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  • Wenqiang Chang
  • Wenqiang Chang Ph.D,




    School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Shandong University
    No.44, Wenhuaxi Road, Jinan, 250012
    Tel: 0086-531-88382162

    2008--2013: Achieve Ph. D degree from school of pharmaceuticals in Shandong University
    2011--2012: Study in University of Minnesota as an exchange student sponsored by China Scholarship Council
    2003--2008: Achieve bachelor degree from school of life sciences in Shandong University
    2013-present: an instructor in  school of pharmaceuticals of Shandong University

    Screen antifungal agents from natural products;

    Uncover the drug-resistant mechanisms in pathogenic fungus Candida albicans;

    Uncover the potential mechanisms underlying the persistence in C. albicans.



    National Natural Science Foundation (No. 81402804),

    China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014M551925)

    The Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Shandong Province (201402024),

    The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University (2014GN032)

    1.  Fei Xie1, Wenqiang Chang1, Ming Zhang1, Ying Li, Wei Li, Hongzhuo Shi, Sha Zheng, and Hongxiang Lou*. Quinone derivatives isolated from the endolichenic fungus Phialocephala fortinii are Mdr1 modulators that combat azole resistance in Candida albicans. Scientific Reports, (2016, accepted).

    2. Sha Zheng1, Wenqiang Chang1, Chen Li, and Hongxiang Lou*. Als1 and Als3 regulate the intracellular uptake of copper ions when Candida albicans biofilms are exposed to metallic copper surfaces. FEMS yeast research, 2016, 16(3): fow029.

    3. Wenqiang Chang, Ming Zhang, Sha Zheng, Ying Li, Xiaobin Li, Wei Li, Gang Li, Zhaomin Lin, Zhiyu Xie, Zuntian Zhao and Hongxiang Lou*. Trapping toxins within lipid droplets is a resistance mechanism in fungi. Scientific Reports, (2015). 15133.

    4. Wenqiang Chang, Ming Zhang, Ying Li, Hongxiang Lou*. A Flow Cytometry Based Method to Detect Persisters in Candida albicans. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, (2015). 595044 5048

    5. Wenqiang Chang, Ming Zhang, Ying Li, Xiaobin Li, Yanhui Gao, Zhiyu Xie, Hongxiang Lou*. Lichen endophyte derived pyridoxatin inactivates Candida growth by interfering with ergosterol biosynthesis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, (2015). 1850(9), 1762-1771.

    6. Xiao-Bin Li1, Wen-Qiang Chang1, Sha Zheng, Wei Li, Hong-Xiang Lou*. The cleavage of perylenequinones through photochemical oxidation acts as a detoxification mechanism for the producer, RSC Advances, (2015). 5, 28187–28189 (first co-author).

    7. Ying Li1, Wenqiang Chang1, Ming Zhang, Ying Zhao, Hongxiang Lou*. Natural Product Solasodine-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside Attenuates the Virulence of Candida albicans. FEMS yeast research, (2015). 15(6) (first co-author).

    8. W. Q. Chang, Y. Li, L. Zhang, A. Cheng, H*. Lou, Retigeric Acid B Attenuates the Virulence of Candida albicans via Inhibiting Adenylyl Cyclase Activity Targeted by Enhanced Farnesol Production, PloS one, (2012). 7, e41624.

    9. W. Chang, Y. Li, L. Zhang, A. Cheng, Y. Liu, H. Lou*, Retigeric acid B enhances the efficacy of azoles combating the virulence and biofilm formation of Candida albicans, Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, (2012). 35, 1794-1801. 

    10. W.Q. Chang, X.Z. Wu, A.X. Cheng, L. Zhang, M. Ji, H.X. Lou*, Retigeric acid B exerts antifungal effect through enhanced reactive oxygen species and decreased cAMP, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, (2011). 1810, 569-576.
    1 co-first author* corresponding author

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