• Academic Report(22 May, 2014)
  • Title: Effective Time Management: Strategies for Busy Academics
    Speaker: Professor Sanjay Garg, University of South Australia
    Time: 9:00am, 22 May, 2014
    Place: Room 215, Administration building

    Sanjay Garg, Co-Director of China Australia Health Science Centre is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia. He is also responsible for the Centre for Pharmaceutical Innovation and Development (CPID) as Director. In addition to formal pharmacy qualifications, Sanjay has completed a Master’s degree in management from the University of Auckland and enjoys learning of management best practices. Acting as a teaching and research academic for over two decades, Sanjay has identified some strategies for effective time management, which can be very useful in completing the challenging tasks. The thought provoking session will provide you with tools to consider.


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